Wasabi Data Solutions specialises in developing customised apps and solutions that will significantly improve your organisation’s data management and workflow.
We can develop integrated solutions for the desktop, tablet, mobile phone and web using Claris FileMaker™ as the main development environment. Wasabi is a official Claris Partner, with demonstrated FileMaker development and consulting experience.
We will work closely with you to solve your business, data and workflow challenges.
If you’re looking to purchase FileMaker, even if you’re not a client, feel free to make contact and we can quote you a great price.
We also offer consulting to small businesses for general IT and computing needs.

Wasabi Data Solutions will work closely with you and your team to provide a customised data management and workflow solution to improve the productivity of your business or organisation.
We can help you solve the common problems of
- difficult to access information caused by data scattered across multiple documents, spreadsheets or paper
- stored in multiple locations such as file servers and local hard drives or filing cabinets
- data entry errors caused by manual or multiple data entry.
- security of access to sensitive data
- obtaining a quick overview of your organisation’s performance
- outdated workflow situations relying on paper forms.
Our emphasis is placed on constructing a reliable foundation and developing easy-to-use interfaces for desktop, mobile, tablet and web.
The main development platform used is FileMaker™ Pro which is a very stable database and rapid application development environment. It permits deployment to Windows, Macintosh, iPad, iPhone and web. It can integrate well with other systems and web technologies.
We can also offer general IT support for small-medium businesses including internet, WordPress and other web site development, desktop support, server management and security consulting.
Why FileMaker
The Claris FileMaker™ series of products enable custom solutions to be developed and deployed across your organisation to improve efficiency, collaboration and control.
Here at Wasabi Data Solutions, we love FileMaker. At its heart is a very stable database and a rapid application development environment.
FileMaker™ solutions can be deployed to Windows, Macintosh, iPad, iPhone and via the web. It can integrate well with other systems and web technologies.
FileMaker™ solutions can be deployed to Windows, Macintosh, iPad, iPhone and via the web. It can integrate well with other systems and web technologies.
FileMaker™ software is very widely used and gaining popularity in many areas including business, trades, science, health, manufacturing, government, education and non-profit organisations.
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Wasabi Data Solutions and its lead developer have experience in developing customised solutions the following areas…
- Job and sample recording, workflow management, invoicing and income tracking for a leading scientific organisation’s sample analysis and engineering workshop departments.
- Administrative workflows for government and the health industry.
- Greatly improved operations for many aspects of a mineral processing pilot plant including using iPads to input data entry of operating conditions (temperatures, pressures, tank levels, flow rates, etc), sample collection scheduling, assay workflow and results, storage container management, batch operation recording, maintenance scheduling and workflow. This collation and charting of all the data enabled viewing on PCs or iPads in real or delayed time or exported for mass balance analysis or further processing.
- Purchase advice, installation and configuration of FileMaker™ servers for clients that require on-site storage of sensitive data.
- Integration of FileMaker with web services
- Developing custom web interfaces to FileMaker™ and SQL databases.
- Development of a web-based self appraisal tool for gravity thickeners that could be accessed by project sponsors to give a first-pass indication of the performance of an existing or proposed thickener design.
In addition I have many years experience in laboratory data acquisition and instrument control with a wide range of applications.
Purchase FileMaker
As a Claris Partner (Reseller), we can quote you on your FileMaker license purchase even if we’re not developing your system. We can offer discounts for education and non-profit organisations as well as multi-year discounts. Feel free to contact us via the Contact Form or an email. We’ll get back to you ASAP.
Wasabi Data Solutions is based in Perth, Western Australia.
Contact Warren Jones to discuss your needs, 0419 534 025 or warren@wasabidatasolutions.com
We respect your privacy. Your email address will not be disclosed to anyone or placed on an email list without your permission.